Thursday 11 April 2013

Opposite Of Abstract Art Pictures Galleries Wallpaper Paintings

Opposite Of Abstract Art Definition

Opposite of abstract art definition:
A painting is often defined as an abstract painting if it has no recognisable objects within it. This seems to me, as a contemporary abstract painter, a rather blunt definition of abstract art. I believe that it would be more valuable in attempting to understand abstract art to demonstrate how artists are taught to see and observe the real world, and how it was through the study of representational objects and their depiction that artists were drawn to seeking solutions to more fundamental questions, regarding the nature of sight and reality, and how this resulted in what we term today as abstract art.
Firstly, it should be pointed out that abstract art is not a rebellion against the tradition of painting representational objects, but an outcome of a particular field of investigation - a historic building process. Abstract art is different from pattern. Pattern is simply the repetition of an element.
Historically, a large part of artistic endeavour has been taken up with solving questions of visual interpretation of the real world. It was only after artists had sufficiently understood how to represent the real world, that artists started to question what the real world was anyway.... Take for example a pencil drawing outline of a simple object such as a mug, pretty straight forward really, but is it? When one starts to question the representation of a mug with a series of lines, all one's preconceptions come tumbling down. Firstly, we would represent the body of the mug by two parallel vertically placed lines. One look at a mugs form, however, and one soon realises that there are no edges to represent by a line, instead only a continuous curved surface. The lines we use to represent the body of the mug, are in fact the points on the mugs curved surface at which the curved surface moves away from our view in space, just like the horizon line that we see when looking at a view of a landscape is the point at which the curved body of the earth turns away from our view. Artists use lines in this way to create an illusion of form in two dimensional representation and are called contour lines.
Now let's look at that mug again. If we forget that it is a mug for a moment, what form would best describe its nature? I would suggest a cylinder would. Now we only have to look around, to realise that a cylinder could be used to represent many objects. The legs of a table, for example, a kettle, a bottle, a vase etc. To cut a long story short, artists soon realised that the world could be broken down into a few simple forms, the cube, the cone, the sphere and the cylinder. Having understood this, mugs were no longer mugs and bottles no longer bottles, but abstract forms to be studied, observed, and experimented with. This is fundamentally how abstract art came about.
Artists were now free to investigate in this new art form called abstract art, a new world of atmospheres and feelings and particular lines of enquiry. They could investigate, for example, how shapes overlap one another, experiment with their juxtaposition, play with colors, they could invent new worlds that didn't exist, try to capture tension, create imbalance, suggest anger, etc. Quite simply, a revolution took place. The power of abstract art is in the way it can open channels to our inner core, our emotions, unlike any representational art can.
Abstract art can achieve this as we are stripped of the need to digest and assimilate the representations of real objects, and free as an observer to feel and be taken by the artists away from the expectation of our preconceptions.
Wassily Kandinsky (Russia 1866-1944) was the first artist to break with the past and paint purely abstract paintings. The debate and experiment that lead to the art movement called abstract art, had however, begun earlier and it is possible to trace its roots back to Cezanne (France 1839-1906).
There will always be good and bad abstract art, but good abstract art will be born of a process, the process of investigation and be judged by how well the artist poses questions and presents solutions in his/her paintings. Imagine a room full of furniture cut up into unrecognisable pieces and reassembled into a new world, a world of hope, vision and mystery.
Opposite of abstract art?
The term Abstract Art has been overused as modernization and generation changes over time. Many people have forgotten the real meaning of Abstract Art that was once used by the society to hail it as one of the most interesting and sophisticated forms of art.
Countless minds were bugged on how abstract is defined and how it should be successfully handled. What is Abstract Art really? Whether or not you are one of those people whose minds were “abstractly” troubled, hear our answers.
More often than not, people associate abstraction to human emotion. They find moral connections not just from the art itself, but also from its artist. While some people consider the emotional aspects these creative illustrations are trying to depict, there are also some who find it cognitively not comprehensible. They tend to describe this form of art as something that draws mental confusion. Many have failed to decode any significance from abstract thus made them appreciate it less.
Due to its vagueness, the true meaning of Abstract Art is commonly misunderstood. In its most extensive sense, it is defined as an art that kindles one’s perceptions, feelings, ideas, and imagination. It is the use of elusive forms, discrete colors, and obscure lines that serve as an optical language to construct a composition that conveys an interpretation assembling a degree of freedom. Abstract Art is a language of art that does not spoon-feed its audience with an evident meaning and instead show them an art whose interpretation may vary from one person to another. It can display thoughts that serve different purposes and values depending on how someone interprets it. Abstract Art is a language of thought and ideas that convey an illusion of visible reality.
Abstract Art indicates a retreat from reality in depiction of imagery. Abstraction bridges vivid imagination to reality. Abstract creations embellish liberty in terms of color and form transitions. It can even be made with outlines and arrangements that leave no marks of recognizable references, it can be clueless.
Contrary to what most people think, Abstract pieces are not limited to paintings alone, it extends to textiles, pottery, sculptures, music, and other channels of art. Abstraction holds no limits in terms of how extensive or less it can be. As long as a piece flickers a mind to think with logic and common sense, abstraction is possible.
One must feel no pressure in decrypting messages within abstract art for its real essence is hidden deep within one’s internal understanding rather than on its pictorial representation. An art whose message lies behind its canvass, an art where apparent external representations were unnecessary, an art that can literally paint a thousand words is Abstract.

Opposite Of Abstract Art Pictures Galleries Wallpaper Paintings

Opposite Of Abstract Art Pictures Galleries Wallpaper Paintings

Opposite Of Abstract Art Pictures Galleries Wallpaper Paintings

Opposite Of Abstract Art Pictures Galleries Wallpaper Paintings

Opposite Of Abstract Art Pictures Galleries Wallpaper Paintings

Opposite Of Abstract Art Pictures Galleries Wallpaper Paintings

Opposite Of Abstract Art Pictures Galleries Wallpaper Paintings

Opposite Of Abstract Art Pictures Galleries Wallpaper Paintings

Opposite Of Abstract Art Pictures Galleries Wallpaper Paintings

Opposite Of Abstract Art Pictures Galleries Wallpaper Paintings

Opposite Of Abstract Art Pictures Galleries Wallpaper Paintings

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